The importance of effective technical documentation cannot be overstated. Nevertheless, handling technical texts - editing, translating, and so forth - can be a hassle. This is where MadCap Flare comes into play as a solution to streamline how companies manage their technical texts and translations.

What is MadCap Flare?

MadCap Flare is a wonderful software tool for your technical documentation. The idea behind the software is single-sourcing - a method that allows you to manage your content with ease. Through single-sourcing, you are able to reuse the same content multiple times. Editing texts becomes significantly quicker, as it only needs doing once in a single document. In addition to saving time, you gain various benefits such as maintaining consistency and reducing errors.

How World Translation can assist you with MadCap Flare

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What might a MadCap Flare project with World Translation look like?

You send us your entire MadCap Flare project. Your project might include thousands of files, but only select ones require translation. Not a problem! We extract the relevant files and make sure they are translated into different languages. Once the translations are done, we put everything back together to provide you with a complete MadCap Flare project. This means you don’t need to understand the various file types or project structures, which are often quite complex.

The great advantage for you is that you simply give us the project, and we'll handle everything else! This saves you time and spares you the trouble of navigating intricate file types.

Projects with MadCap Flare can take many different forms. We are happy to tailor a project for you to match your needs.


Are you hooked?

MadCap Flare is a game changer in the world of translating technical documents. Its organised content management approach and robust multilingual capabilities make it an indispensable tool for companies involved with technical documentation. 

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